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Image optimization basics for websites

One of the largest components of a page are images. If there are too many un-optimized images on a page, the page loading will suffer. Here are a couple of quick wins for optimizing the images on your site. The first and most important is to name and describe your images correctly. Google Image search accounts for 25% of web traffic to most sites and proper naming could result in a lot of traffic.... [Read more]

Important elements of web design

The purpose of proper web design is to highlight and place the focus of the user on the content. Web page content accounts for almost 90% of the information on the web, even with the popularity of video, so you can’t overstate the importance of presenting the text content effectively. Here are some key principles to follow when designing a web page with text content: The first key principle is to... [Read more]

The key characteristics of a good web host

There are tens of thousands of web hosts online. Most are resellers of the larger companies and directly sell their services under a different label. Which makes it even harder to choose between, because you might ultimately get the same hosting service from two different providers. The solution is to choose between only the larger providers. However, choosing is still not straightforward. Here are... [Read more]

Spammy Tactics to Avoid When Running a Blog

Article Written by : Merchant Account Central Google is always hunting for sites that it can classify as spammy. Although there is no direct confirmation, there are is both an automated and manual review of websites before they are marked as spammy. Sites flagged in the automated review are then queued for manual review if there is some uncertainty. Websites are then notified via Webmaster Tools (now... [Read more]

Common UI patterns in web design

Article Written by : How Merchant Accounts Work Design patterns have matured greatly in the last few years. There are probably two reasons behind this. First is the proliferation of responsive design. The second is the sheer popularity of WordPress and its theme market. In a way, there is very little left in the way innovation to be found in design for a multi-screen world. It would take a shift to... [Read more]

Three Tips for Boosting Engagement on Facebook

Article Written by : Charity Banners Most brands and companies have a Facebook presence, but too many of them aren’t connecting with customers and fans. If fans aren’t engaging with the brand through this portal, what’s the point? Facebook fans can be leveraged to provide brands with valuable feedback, so companies should strive to maintain free-flowing conversation with those individuals. With... [Read more]

Decrease loading times with these simple tips

Article Written by : Merchant Capital Inc Over the last decade, web pages have been getting bigger and bigger. In the past a web page was mostly text and whatever images were part of the content. Soon after, there were ads but even those were small, non-animated and were hosted on the same site. Now the typical page is as big as 3MB, which was the size of the original Doom game. Here are a few ways... [Read more]

Penguin friendly link building tactics

Article Written by : Top SEO Software Reviews Now that the new Google Penguin has launched, there is a new focus on quality link building. Buying links or link acquisition from low-quality sources is no longer viable as a long term strategy. Now the relevance of such links can be erased very quickly. Fortunately, there are still some link building tactics that will not run afoul of algorithms like... [Read more]

Ways to Enhance Your Email Marketing Campaign

Article Written by : ECO World   Here are some ways that you increase customer interaction. One of the greatest things about email marketing is the fact that you can use automated campaigns that automatically respond to the consumer. Auto responders can help you stay in constant contact with your clients and can help you generate increased customer interactions. Utilize Automated Web Servers Be... [Read more]

Three important web design principles

The design of the basic elements of your website is more important than you might believe. Website design is more than just making an good looking website. There are element level design principles that i followed will make the website more pleasant and easier to use. Here are three of those principles: Visual hierarchy This is one of the most important principles in good web page design. It decides... [Read more]

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